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优美的简短的英文诗歌有哪些 优美的简短的英文诗歌

导读 大家好,我是东南,我来为大家解答以上问题优美的简短的英文诗歌有哪些,优美的简短的英文诗歌很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧! 





  Reach a sweet touch

  Open in the depths of memory

  A petal of you blooms

  Open the secret to the cold wind

  You cut in from the coldest angle

  Until your narration will be

  The melting of the snow in the corner


  If it's close to you

  Can still hear the time

  The footsteps of spring

  You do not fear the hard winter

  Tell the cold and warm water of the mountain

  With deep plum.........


  Now, I'm standing in front of you

  In the relative line of sight,

  My eyes

  Reach your soul

  Even if it is withered

  Can you remember the charming appearance



  Sweet dream

  We have the pleasure of a piece of the pillow

  Upstream or downstream

  Give yourself to oars or rope, Yukiho

  A long night has a dream.


  We have the luck to pillow a breeze

  Flying up or quickly into the ground

  Give yourself to a flag, a sail, or a kite

  There is hope in a long life with a dream


  Dream world

  The boundless sky

  Have rich longings

  Let us transplant dreams in dreams


  Believe in a bright future

  Let the sun announce:

  Her Last Chance

  Dreams Come True



  Wish not to wish

  A growing gradually known jianjue

  A shallow knot can be solved

  It is rare for one to get together in time

  A plight of others

  A moment away but fewer people

  A little gossip about it

  Life is struggling to hold

  Everything has been desired by the only person

  20XX XX XX day

