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导读 预习时要读、思、问、记同步进行,今天雅思阅读同义词替换大全这个话题,相信很多小伙伴都是非常有兴趣了解的吧,对课本内容能看懂多少就算



  1. large numbers of=tens of thousands of=many 大量的


  2. large=massive=huge=enormous=vast 巨大的 adj.

  3. resemble=look like=alike=much the same=akin to 相像 v.

  4. foe=enemy=adversary=hostile 敌人 n.

  5. more than=exceed=over=in excess of 超过 v.

  6. decrease=crash=reduction=fall=drop 下降 n.

  7. stop=halt=come to a halt 停止 v.

  8. sufficient=abundant=enough=adequate 充足的' adj.

  9. establish=found=build=set up 建立 v.

  10. be Successful=prosper=do well=succeed=thrive 成功

  11. recognize=certify=accept=acknowledge承认 v.

  12. label=display=call=brand=hail 贴标签,命名 v.

  13. adapt=adjust=get used to=become/grow accustomed to 适应 v.

  14. mistake=error=fault=slip=mix-up 错误 n.

  15. keep a check on=monitor=watch=keep an eye on 监视 v.

  16. unexpected=unpredictable=unforeseeable 不可预见的 adj.

  17. generally=in general=in the whole=all in all=all things considered 大体上的 adv.

  18. previously=before=earlier=formerly 先前 adv.

  19. apply=use=make use of=exercise=utilize 应用 v.
