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导读 大家好,我是小东,我来为大家解答以上问题。英语小品词是什么意思,英语小品很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、The playbook ...


1、The playbook is about conflict among Vikings. Characters in Order of Appearance: Narrator, Chieftain, Attendant, Young Girl ACT 1. Narrator: This play is “battle and peace”, a story about Viking who are greedy and play hard. This will show you the dark side of humanity. And it will show you the essence of humanity. The Viking age began about 1200 years ago in the 8th century. They raid lands, stole treasure and took people as slaves. So it is no wander that it is a special period full of conquest and surrender, plunder and bondage, rapacity and hatred. And battle always appear accompanied with peace. This is a horrible night with storm and thunder. It is very dangerous for sailing in this condition. There are two ships in on the sea. One is huge, another one is tiny. A few minutes, ahuge wave coming, it the tiny ship and it is about to sink. Viking 1.(V1): Help! Help! Viking 2.(V2): Oh, that ship will sink sailor, go down and help her! Sailor: Ye.,( he is going down to help her!) V1: Thank you a million.(VI said gratefully) Sailor and V2: Don’t mention it. It is our responsibility. ACT 2 Narrator: When V1 falls in a swoon, V2 finds a map about some treasure from her. He reads the map when she was in a faint. When she wakes up, he begins to ask her something. V2: Why are you here?(very interestedly) V1: I,…..just ….want to…want to hunt for something.( she is tongue-shy) V1: Just something I have lost.(she thinks: maybe he can help me to get there. Can I tell him the truth? She is very indecisive) V2: Oh, you know I have vessel, I can help you. V1: Oh, thank you a million. You must be ORDIN. I know something, I can tell you.( she is very athrill) V2: Really? V1: Of course. (Then, V1 tell something to V2, he looks like know something) 你看看。

